Content Warning: Discussion of Sexual Violence It’s not because Harvey Weinstein is a man. Or white. Or Jewish. Or Hollyweird. It’s because he’s sick. And because his sickness, left untreated and unaccounted for, traumatized a lot of people into submission, into silence, into complicity. And because it made a lot of people a whole lot …
Bruce Blog
Dear God: My stomach hurts and I am afraid. To lose my health insurance. To lose my love for people. To lose my faith in America. I get it – we’re a flawed bunch. We get frightened and greedy and do stupid and terrible things to each other in name of justice and love and, …
Like the rest of us, the basketball is just passing through. The hands that move it are big and strong, black, brown, and white, from all over the world. Their fingers barely graze leather, there’s no time to hold, let alone grip as the orb darts down low, swings around the perimeter and lands in the …
The awards season excitement is upon us. Execrably. Inexorably. The stuff dreams are made of rounded not with a sleep, but a great Hollywood circle jerk. Don’t get me wrong, I love movies – dreaming them up, making them, watching them. Losing myself in them. They’re fun-houses I go to laugh, confessionals I go to …
How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Social Media I’ve always hated social media and my reasons are the obvious ones: it’s a permission slip to be loud, stupid, and mean; it disconnects more than it connects; it’s freedom without accountability, which is not freedom at all; it’s porn-easy, poopatorium-deep, sugar in your gums; …
How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Social MediaRead More »
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