Testimonials & Successes

"When I met Bruce for the first time I was not sure if I could write and if I ever would. I had a small piece of paper with his phone number shoved in my purse for about a year. I did not call him right away because I was traumatized by a previous (my first) writing workshop. I had quit. The best gift I gave myself was to finally call Bruce and attend his workshop. His guidance has meant so much for me then and it still does— a continent away and 4 books later. At times of doubt I hear his voice in my ear. I have learned to compile rejection letters, to send manuscripts as if brushing my teeth, to fail again, fail better, and finally to give myself permission to take writing seriously. "
Edna Gorney, Writer / Professor
Tivon, Israel
“Occasionally our Creator takes great care to add a magical ingredient with very special healing powers and a great sense of humor to humanities’ medicine bag. Bruce Gelfand is one of those magic ingredients. Bruce’s caring presence as a coach and guide, his huge heart and capacity for empathy and a passionate love for his work and the people he touches have blessed me personally and so many others over the years.”
Gerry Walanka Founder, In Search of Genius Foundation
Chicago, Illinois
"Bruce has a wonderful way of eliciting creative responses from participants through encouragement, positive feedback, and creative suggestion. His outstanding ability to listen with sensitivity and clarity is inspiring. Bruce’s classes are small so that everyone has time to share their writing and thoughts. I highly recommended “A Writers’ Hour" for anyone wanting to partake of the joy of writing with Soul."
Dawne Domah, PhD DSS, artist, educator
Queensland, Australia​
“Bruce has an uncanny ability to place himself completely into anyone’s shoes and see from their perspective. He sees where they want to go with the stories they are telling…. nothing short of a miracle worker…. a total inspiration. If it were not for Gelfand, I would not have my Oscar or Emmy awards.” Writer / Director
Jeffrey Brown, writer / director “Sold"
Mill Valley, CA
“Bruce is a strong, loving, nurturing teacher who has helped me to tackle my writing demons, expand my craft and take risks. I love the specificity of his notes and feedback, along with the gentle thoughtful encouragement. His intuition is scary good – I trust the leaps that he’s encouraged me to make and I’ve learned a great deal. He’s always been available to me for my special questions outside of class and I am genuinely inspired by the writing prompts that he provides. Awesome teacher, awesome man.”
Laverne McKinnon, co-founder/producer, K&L Productions
I thoroughly recommend Bruce's writing sessions. His extensive knowledge and insight can't help but make you a better writer. The group is a mixed dynamic guaranteeing you will hear a different perspective than yours in a non-judgemental, relaxed atmosphere. Bruce has a wealth of background knowledge and a keen mind, meaning each session provides incisive and constructive feedback. Since attending I noticed a change in my thought patterns towards viewing the everyday as a prompt for creative expression. This alone has been well worth the price of admission!
Paul D, Business Analyst, Writer
Brisbane, Australia
Bruce has always been a major inspiration to me. He is easily one of the most clever, talented and insightful people I have come across in the business…or anywhere for that matter. He has a clear and precise vision of the human condition and smartly observes both the tragic and comic aspects of who we are and why we are.”
Frank Prinzi, writer/director of “It’s A Mess,” Emmy-Award winning cinematographer
New York, N.Y.
“I came to Bruce banging my head against the wall–desperate to finish a project but unable to look at it without slamming my computer shut. Bruce saw what I couldn’t see, and with a magical combination of patience, insight, and honesty, he un-stuck me. As a result of our work, I’m beginning to discover the writer I’ve always wanted to be inside myself.”
Molly Strauss, Writer
London, England
"If living your true life has something to do with writing words, then Bruce will be your inspiration, your conscience and your priceless first mate."
Lara Plutte, Therapist / Poet
Glendale, CA
"In Bruce's class you will write about that thing you don't want to write about. Because that thing scares you too much. Take his workshop and write about that thing! "
June Diane Raphael, Writer / Actress
Hollywood, CA
“The biggest thing ‘A Writers Hour’ gives me is the opportunity to write badly, to let myself go wherever A Writers Hour takes me without internal, or fear of external, judgments. Bruce has a way of giving you the freedom to crack open and explore new places. You learn so much. And Bruce is right there with you, encouraging you to press on, helping you trail blaze into the unexpected.”
Debra Weiner, writer
Chicago, IL
"Before joining Bruce's A Writers' Hour I had convinced myself that my tired, soul-beaten voice was no longer worthy of expression. But Bruce is a mensch. He finds beauty in every creative venture. He makes writing fun. His workshop is a greenhouse where seeds are planted, plants are nurtured, artists are nourished. The greatest joy of being part of Bruce's group is to hear other remarkable, searching, celebratory voices and to be reminded, with absolute clarity, that my voice has its own distinct flavor, perspective, and worth.
Dan Shor, Actor / Director / Producer
New York City, NY
"I was craving a writing class but wanted to avoid a typical LA - results driven-competitive type class -- Bruce's class was completely the opposite. It was heart-opening, warm, challenging and rewarding. It stretched me in ways I needed and invited me into my own soul. I loved most his firm but gentle teaching, always knowing the right moment to push you further. If you have a chance to participate, don't hesitate. You'll be a better writer and person for it."
Jess Weiner, Social Messaging Strategist & CEO, Talk to Jess, LLC
"Bruce creates the space & time for you to write your words, to hear your voice, to tell your story. The beauty of Bruce - he grows with you. That is the sign of a true teacher."
Jules Blaine Davis
I would read anything Bruce writes. His writing is like my own personal velvet. I've been doing the Writer's Hour for a month and have discovered so much about my writing and listening skills. I feel more confident than I did previously. It's a wonderful group of people and Bruce guides us through the hour masterfully. Every week the writing prompt is insightful and encourages the words to flow through my fingers."
Lisa Guest
Courting M(en): Love, Lust, and Listening Within
Working with Bruce was like pulling back curtains on a window I always knew I had, some beautiful opening deep inside. It let air and light in, and then I saw clearly what I could do. However I do it and wherever it takes me, Bruce has helped me realized that it's something I must do. Whether you're starting or in the middle or a pro, his teachings offer such value and support that you can't help but grow as a writer and as a person."
Katya Lidsky, Actress / Writer
"I came to one of Bruce's classes having only written technical jargon during my adult life and feeling that writing was best left to others. Bruce created this wonderfully safe space so that words could begin to flow from a place within myself I didn't even know existed. I left each class energized and wanting to write something and realized that I could also be creative. Thanks, Bruce, for this beautiful gift!"
Patricia Lakatos, Psychologist / Writer
Glendale, CA
"Bruce is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He taught me new ways to think about my writing, specifically how to not only think about what my characters were saying on the page but also what they were saying through their actions, both consciously and unconsciously. He saw who I was and my potential as a writer and helped me in ways that no one had helped me before. On top of all this, he's a very dear friend who I think the world of."
Alexander Freeman, Former Student at Emerson College & Award-Winning Filmmaker
"I am a writer only because Bruce Gelfand crossed my path fourteen years ago. In his classes and workshops over the years, I've witnessed many writers born before my very eyes. I’ve watched him take individuals from novice to novel writers. Bruce grows-up writers to their unique voice on the page with gentle mastery, it's so smooth you hardly know it's happening until all of a sudden you're blown away by what's being read in class. He is talented beyond his years and a true teacher that leans into ones strengths; however small and hiding they maybe, and invites them to step into the full light and glory they crave and deserve. He is the writing teacher you wish for, and I was lucky enough to find early. Plus it’s okay if you disagree with him sometimes. And that is gold in my book because it lets you discover who you uniquely are as an artist.
Edith M. Cortese, Author of "A Thousand Years of Johnny Von"
Los Angeles, CA
"You may be an accomplished author, you might just be starting to express yourself in words, perhaps, you have an unfinished manuscript or have had an unrealized dream to write. No matter where you are in your journey as a writer, Bruce Gelfand will skillfully and soulfully guide you to unleash your voice and unfurl the force of writing nature inside you. Expect miracles. A journey of profound worth awaits you. With a Master. Your voice. Your words. Your ideas captured in story to share. The world needs you, your authentic voice and your stories. Bruce knows this. This is yet another precious trait that sets him apart from all other coaches. Let Bruce empower you like he has empowered me - and countless others - to claim our voices. Bruce Gelfand, master writing coach, secret weapon for writers, voice extractor."
Jaimsyne Blakely, Writer / Entrepreneur